Free Samples
Free Samples
40 | 5 page 1000 words
Background This coursework involves the analysis and design of a propped excavation in a sandy soil as shown in Figure 1. The excavation is 12 m deep and 15 m wide and is supported by steel sheet piles. The embedment depth is 4 m. The walls are connected by props with a spacing of 5m at the ground level. On the left side of the excavation a surcharge of 20 kN/m2 (permanent) applies.
25 | 2 pages 600 words
To address the main topic of the essay it is necessary that you introduce and discuss the three forms, weak, semi-strong and strong, in which the financial literature typically expresses the efficient market hypothesis (EMH). In addition, it is necessary that you dwell into the literature on the empirical tests of the EMH to provide arguments why you think, or you do not think, that these forms of market efficiency actually hold in concrete financial markets.
50 | 5 pages 750 words
A Local Authority propose to develop a site at the far side of an existing overpass and existing railway from the nearest trunk road. In order to assess the feasibility of developing the site (for Industrial purposes), you have been approached, asConsultant, to provide a full design for the main span beams and slab. The proposed scheme is to be composite steel plate girders at 3 m. centres and a reinforced concrete deck, as shown in Fig. 1/001. The bridge is not to be continuous because the files necessary for the abutments and piers are in weak/stiff clays and the predic settlement of the supports is significant (say, exceeding span/1000) (Ref 1/1). To Avoid overstress, the structure should be made statically determinate by use of simply-supported spans. The bridge is to be 3 lanes, with a 2 m. pathway each side,as shown in Fig. 1/001, and the proposed scheme as shown has a minimum clearance of 5.7 m. under the existing viaduct, and has a minimum clearance under 5.0 m. to the railway tracks.
20 | 3 pages 500 words
Critically review the major design features of the Philippine Arena, which enable it to be one of the world’s best examples of an earthquake resistant structure. You should consider the level of seismicity in relation to the soil type and evaluate the how this relatively modern design had its roots established in the design of older more established structures.
40 | 3 pages 500 words
The submission is in the form of a written pamphlet. The pamphlets should be written in a concise and formal business style. As such, your choice of font face and font size should contribute to the clarity of the information. The pamphlet should be well-structured, using headings, sub-sections and paragraphs as appropriate. Any images, graphics, or text that is derived from other sources must be correctly referenced using a standard form of citation. A bibliography should be included and in a standard academic format. The recommended word limit is 3,000–5,000 words but you will not be penalised for exceeding the total word limit.
40 | 3 pages 500 words
This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to undertake financial management within a work team in an organisation. It includes planning and implementing financial management approaches, supporting team members whose role involves aspects of financial operations, monitoring and controlling finances and reviewing and evaluating effectiveness of financial management processes.
20 | 3 pages 500 words
In doing so, this will delete the previous version which you submitted and your new updated version will replace it. Therefore your Turnitin similarity score should not be affected. If there is a change in your Turnitin similarity score, it will be due to any changes you may have made to your Coursework.
20 | 5 pages 750 words
The assignment should be your own original work and should be properly type-written in
your own words. It will be checked for plagiarism using Turnitin. Any plagiarism or
copying from others will be dealt with through the university’s plagiarism procedures.
Similarity (plagiarism) level higher than 10% is highly suspicious.
60 | 5 pages 900 words
Scenario: The company you work for has recently taken on work involved with hydraulic structures as someone who has recently graduated from a programme which includes significant civil engineering hydraulics you are asked to join the management team with respect to these projects.
40 | 6 pages 800 words
The company is currently working on several R&D projects that may allow them to overtake
their primary competitor in terms of market share. A major upgrade to both the monitoring
software is expected to be released in around 6 months' time. This upgrade provides real time
remote monitoring of the drilling and pumping process via satellite or landlines. Remote
monitoring is a function frequently requested by clients but nobody has been able to provide
that function reliably in their software yet.